Friday 19 July 2024

"Did God Say ...?"

"Did God say...?"

This was the beginning of the evil one's deception of Eve, and the thin edge of the devastating wedge driven between man and God. He continues to hammer it with relentless hammer-blows, seeking to drive it's division between a God of unfailing promises and His children. But thanks to the pioneer of our faith, we now have what Eve did not.

1. We have the written word of God.
In our hands and before our eyes, encrypted in the words on paper, we can return again and again to read and re-read what God has said. Won by the faithful work, sacrifice and commitment of faithful men in our past, we have a totally reliable collection of the inspired and infallible record which we can check and meditate on whenever we care or need to.

2. We have the indwelling Spirit of Christ. He has gone away so the Spirit would come. From the throne-room of God, the source of power, grace and holiness, Jesus has poured him forth for the church, his body. He lives in us, and he gives the light behind his written word, bringing his truth forth and pressing it into our hearts. The truth thus sets us free.

3. We have the fellowship of believers. We are not alone in our examining and efforts to get to grips with Scripture. We are set in local gatherings of the saints, structured in a way that his gifts may benefit and bless us. The word is preached and taught by those the Spirit enables to do those tasks. We speak also to one another, uncovering the disciplines and delights of what our Father lays out, in glorious revelation, for our spiritual food. We feed not only ourselves, but also each other.

And thus we see the strong measures the wisdom of Christ has put in place to bring us to maturity and conform us to his likeness. Let us take much advantage of these things. So, when the evil one's haunting question arises we will answer with conviction - "IT IS WRITTEN ..."

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